Wanna Play College Football as a RB? Show These 5 Things on Film

Getting a college football scholarship as a high schooler has become increasingly difficult.  With the changes in transfer rules and the advent of the transfer portal,  the scholarship p00l for prep players has shrunk significantly.  Combine that with the fact that running back has become a less important position in today’s game than ever before […]

How to Get Recruited During the Coronavirus

You were finally coming around.  Things were starting to fall in place.  You had a plan for your spring semester as well as summer trips planned to the colleges.  The only thing that could mess this up would be a virus that affects the entire World and causes our entire country to shut down putting […]

College Football RECRUITING Law : Discipline is A Must

If you have ever heard me talk about recruiting or read an article by me about college football recruiting then you’ve likely heard me talk about how competitive it is.  When something is competitive the basic understanding is that only the strong will succeed and survive. One of the hardest things for young college football […]