Could Chip Kelly’s Audible to Philly Mean the NCAA is Coming?

First he was, then he wasn’t now he has. Oregon football coach Chip Kelly is soon to become former Ducks head coach and new Philadelphia Eagles head coach.

My thoughts at first was this was the typical ploy by the hot college football coach to work the system for more money out of his college institution.  However, now that Kelly has actually taken the NFL job, I am wondering if this smells of bad things to come for the Ducks football program.  Kelly’s bolt to “The League” has the looks of someone who really enjoyed his perch near the tip top of college football and was forced to consider his future standing due to impending ncaa bullets poised to break the windows.

One must wonder if Kelly’s initial spurn of the NFL was greeted with a closed door meeting with his agent in which the apparent dangers of staying on a sinking ship were addressed.  Kelly runs a college football offense.  I maintain that it will only take one offseason of NFL defensive coordinators analysis for quarterbacks to begin taking a pounding while running the read option in the pros.  Kelly is smart enough to see the same and perhaps initially realized that the butter was dripping off of the college football side of the bread.  However, nothing can burn some toast like NCAA sanctions.

This is a bad sign for the Oregon Ducks football program.  We have seen this movie before.  I personally watched Dennis Erickson head for the Seattle Seahawks in 1995 and passed NCAA officials with a near death sentence in the Miami International Airport concourse.  More recently,  Pete Carroll drove out of the blocks like Usain Bolt to the Seattle Seahawks and USC was riddled with NCAA gun fire in the aftermath.  There have been other instances in-between these two mentioned.

My guess is the NCAA is at the doorstep of the Oregon Ducks waiting to raid the tower.  I envision the build up to the final scene in Scarface where the bad guys were jumping the wall and taking out Tony Montana’s security detail.  Duck fans should be pouring a tall glass of concern into their worry cup.  Does Chip Kelly know something?

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