When you run a website devoted to viewing high school and youth football players across the country, you will run into players that really stand out. Mac Redmond is one of those players.
The 6’1″ 185 lb. 13 year old would be big in the trenches of any middle school football game but that’s not the story. Redmond is a 6’1″ 185 lb. running back that will make you miss and make you wish you had when he doesn’t. Redmond displays a great deal of athleticism on the football field as he leads the charge for his South Forsyth Middle School team. Redmond can do a number of things. Watch him take the handoff and bust through the middle of the defense and slide by the safety that has sold out to trying and bring the big man down. Watch him plow through the linebacker that’s uncertain whether Redmond will put a move on him or give him the Mac treatment. Redmond’s film will also show him slipping out of the backfield and hauling in a pass with the ease of a polished wide receiver. Once he’s in the flat with the ball, defensive backs reconsider their will to play the sport.
Offense isn’t Redmond’s only trick either. He lines up on defense and breaks through the offensive line like a diver breaks through pool water. He pitches a tent in the backfield and sneers ball carriers like a spider trapping flies. He’s a problem for the opposing team but a treat for fans of youth football to watch. Redmond’s future is bright. Can’t say the same for Forsyth Middle’s opponents.
Check out Mac Redmond’s highlight video, click here.

Chad Wilson is a college football recruiting expert and creator of the GridironStudsApp which allows high school football players to gain exposure to college football coaches and fans. Wilson is a former college football player for the University of Miami (92-94) and Long Beach St. (’90-’91) and played briefly for the Seattle Seahawks (’95). He is also a former youth and high school football coach for over 15 years most recently for 5-A State of Florida Champs American Heritage. He runs All Eyes DB Camp a defensive back training company located in South Florida IG: @alleyesdbcamp. Wilson’s oldest son Quincy plays in the NFL for the New York Giants and his younger son plays cornerback for the Arizona Cardinals.